Neck pain is a very common condition that affects millions of people every day. This type of pain can limit the activities we participate in, and the pain can be acute or chronic. If you live in the Overland Park area, and you’re searching for neck pain relief, then call our chiropractic experts at The Health & Wellness Clinic today. Our experienced team of chiropractors and therapists know various techniques that can help relieve your pain in no time. Keep reading to learn about some of the common causes of neck pain and how our chiropractors can help.

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Common Causes of Neck Pain

Our necks are constantly working hard. Whether you’re driving, exercising, or even working at your desk job, our necks are always in motion. That being said, it doesn’t take much to see some pain in this area. Take a look at some common causes of neck pain:

Sleep Positions

How we sleep can directly affect our necks. Have you ever woken up in the morning with a sharp pain in your neck? If you’re like most people, then you’ve probably felt this pain. That’s because we move our bodies into various positions as we sleep throughout the night, and sometimes those positions don’t favor our neck.

Neck Strain

The soft tissues in the neck aren’t meant to stretch too far or overexerted, and if they are, it could lead to pain or discomfort in the area.

Text Neck Syndrome

This is a common syndrome that happens to those who stare down at their mobile devices for long periods. Text neck causes the neck to become stiff, and any movement can cause strain in muscles or tendons.

How Our Chiropractors Can Help

After a thorough examination of your neck and health history, our chiropractors may suggest the following methods for treating neck pain:


From gentle pressure to aggressive thrusts, we target the spine to help ease neck pain and discomfort.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is another very effective method for neck pain. Our therapists will massage certain areas of your neck and back to help relieve your pain, muscle tension, inflammation, and stiffness.

Corrective Exercise

Corrective exercises allow us to strengthen your neck muscles, improve your range of motion, and prevent your pain from returning.

Contact Us Today To Get Start On Your Neck Pain Treatment

If you’re searching for top-of-the-line neck pain treatment, then pick up the phone and call The Health & Wellness Clinic today at 913-579-1154 to schedule an appointment. We can help you improve your health with our amazing services.